Shelters, morphometry and reproduction of histiotus velatus (Chiroptera: vespertilionidae)


  • Elaine Cristina Vicente Instituto Arara Azul, Rua Klaus Stuhrk Jardim Mansur, Campo Grande/MS. Brasil
  • Aline Martins Calderan Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade Anhanguera/Uniderp. Av. Ceará, 333, Bairro Miguel Couto, Campo Grande/MS. Brasil
  • Neiva Robaldo Guedes Instituto Arara Azul, Rua Klaus Stuhrk Jardim Mansur, Campo Grande/MS. Brasil
  • Marcelino Benvindo de Souza Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Naturais do Cerrado da Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Anápolis/GO. Brasil
  • Classius de Oliveira Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho/UNESP, Campus de São José do Rio Preto/SP. Brasil



Bats, synanthropic species, adaptation, conservation


Histiotus velatus (Vespertilionidae) is an important synanthropic species, whose shelters and conditions are essential for its reproductive success. This study aimed was to diagnose the adaptive capacity of H. velatus in shelter occupation and reproductive patterns. A total of 47 individuals (F = 32/M = 15) of H. velatus deposited in a scientific collection were analyzed. Catalog sheets were examined for data referring to the origin of the animals, shelters and supposed foraging sites. The analysis of reproductive biology was based on morphological and morphometric aspects of the reproductive system. The results indicated that colonies of H. velatus generally do not exceed 15 animals per shelter. These refugia ranged from 2.5 to over 6 m in height from ground level. For the reproductive aspect, it was observed that 64% (n = 7) of the pregnant females presented the development of twins. For males, gamete storage and reproductive activity are continuous with a short period of interruption during the year. Such information is of great relevance for the establishment of policies for the conservation and management of H. velatus.


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