Breeding dynamics and population trend in the largest colony of the Red-footed Booby Sula sula (Linnaeus, 1766) in the South Atlantic
Breeding seasonality , Fernando de Noronha archipelago, seabirds, tropical regionResumo
Understanding breeding parameters based on standardized surveys represents a great indicator for evaluating long-term changes and population trends, especially in seasonal species. Here, we performed monthly monitoring of large and independent colonies of the Red-footed Booby Sula sula in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago during 2018-2024, focusing on recognize the breeding dynamic and population trends. We found well synchronized colonies, following clear seasonal patterns in six defined breeding seasons (during c. 15 months). Breeding adults were recorded throughout the year, with peaks of active nests in August (34.75 ± 8.80 nests/ha) and total abundance in June (50.84 ± 11.46 individuals/ha). Active nests and breeding adults remained stable over the study period. The abundance of adults in the colonies was increased, in response to increases in non-nesting individuals, which points to population recruitment. This is corroborated by the increase in breeding success across the seasons, which varied considerably (c. 8-40%). Our data provided the first continuous census over the years for the Red-footed Booby. We highlight that continued long-term monitoring is crucial for understanding the population dynamics of the largest colonies of this seabird in the South Atlantic region.
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