Fogo em veredas: Avaliação de impactos sobre comunidades de Odonata (Insecta)
cerrado, composition, protected areas, richness, WetlandsAbstract
The marshes are open areas of Cerrado (brazilian savannas), which play an essential role in protecting water sources. Moreover, the marshes are also considered of great importance to direct use of rural people living in the Cerrado. These conflicts of use of the marshes are now a major challenge for biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to test the effect of fire on the richness and composition of Odonata (dragonflies) in burned and unburned marshes within the Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins (EESGT). Species richness was estimated for each of the sampled marshes through non-parametric method of first order Jackknife. The analysis of indicator species was made by IndVal. The similarity in community composition of Odonata were obtained through the index of Chao. In total we sampled 33 species of Odonata, distributed among five families. No species of Odonata were associated specifically with burned or unburned environments. The marshes burned recently showed a greater similarity in community composition of Odonata than unburned marshes and the same pattern is evident when considering only the suborder Zygoptera. This work with Odonata communities has shown that there is impact of fire on species composition of the suborder Zygoptera which has less ability to disperse. This reinforces the idea that the fire is known to be one of the main threats to protected areas of the Cerrado and a threat to the biodiversity of EESGT marshes. If decisions of fire management are taken, it is crucial that it come together with research monitoring marshes in EESGT.
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