Evaluation of Ant Fauna Interactions in Different Land Uses
Formicidae, ecological relations, functional groups, biodiversity, conservationAbstract
 The objective of this study was to evaluate the interactions of ant fauna in a dense ombrophilous forest, a diversified agroforestry system, a gliricídia shaded coffee plantation and a banana plantation that had passion fruit vines. In each of these environments three 10m x 2m transects were demarcated, where ants were collected and ecological interactions were evaluated. In total, 30 species of ants were observed and collected, the greatest species richness observed in agroforestry, as well as the greatest record of interactions. The smallest richness and the smallest record of interactions occurred in the coffee plantations. Based on the results of this study, it is possible to verify that, among the cultivation systems studied, the agroforestry system is the most recommended for the protection of ant biodiversity, as it preserves the largest number of species and interactions.
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