Analysis of the Wildlife Roadkill and the Effectiveness of Fauna Protection Structures on the BR-487 Next to the Perobas Biological Reserve, in Southern Brazil


  • Amanda de Campos Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente de Cianorte. Brasil
  • Antonio Guilherme Cândido da Silva Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade/ICMBio. Brasil



Protected areas, road ecology, roadkill hotspots, mitigation measures


Roadkill can pose a threat to biodiversity. This impact may be greater on roads close to protected areas, due to the greater abundance of animals. The BR-487 highway has an 8 km stretch that borders the Perobas Biological Reserve. To mitigate the negative effects on the animals, fauna protection structures were installed on the highway, including underground passages, fences and reflectors, electronic speed reducers. The objectives of this study were to identify the most affected species, the roadkill hotspots and to evaluate, the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures. The sampling occurred between August 2015 and December 2019. The roadkill record occurred on average three times a week, on a route of approximately 8 km at a maximum speed of 60 km/h. Were run over 263 animals. The mammals represented 42.6% of the roadkill, followed by birds (38%), reptiles (16.2%) and amphibians (3%). The most affected species were hedgehog (Sphiggurus villosus), crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) and tegu (Salvator merianae). For most of the groups
analyzed, the main location for roadkill in the pre- fauna protection structures period was km 1. In the post-fauna protection structures the hotspots started to occur mainly in places with fencing and fauna passage. The data obtained in this study point out the need for adjustments in the fauna protection structures, such as the reduction of the wire mesh fences. In addition, the similarity in the roadkill rates in the pre- and post- fauna protection structures periods, even with the increase in the flow of vehicles, indicate the effectiveness of these structures for fauna protection.


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