Analysis of Landscape Changes to Evaluate Ecological Restoration Efficiency in Lowland Dense Ombrophylous Forest


  • Diogo José Oliveira Pimentel Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brasil
  • José Nailson Barros Santos Secretaria de Educação de Pilõezinhos (PB), Brasil
  • Nathan Castro Fonsêca Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Giselle Lemos Moreira Universidade Federal do Piauí, Brasil
  • Marília Isabelle Oliveira da Silva Fundação Apolônio Salles de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Brasil
  • Andréa de Vasconcelos Freitas Pinto Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brasil



Landscape ecology, Landscape metrics, Risk to degradation


The objective of the present work was to analyze the changes in the landscape and to test the efficiency of ecological restoration in dense lowland ombrophilous forest in the Ecological Station (Esec) of Bita and Utinga, located in the cities of Ipojuca and Cabo de Santo Agostinho in Pernambuco. Parallel to this, we sought to associate the understanding of the risks of degradation in the face of social, edaphic, and topographic issues and to highlight the main nuances to direct planning actions in areas with restored forest cover. For this, the 2014 and 2019 MapBiomas land use and land cover classification was used, applying landscape metrics to interpret the results and the multicriteria analysis of the AHP method was carried out to assess the risk of degradation. The results showed that in just five years there was an increase of 167.3ha in the forest class, which represents 6.68% of the Esec area. In general terms, this class went from 49.5% to 56.2%, that is, the forest class can be considered the matrix of the landscape. The risk reduction was unequivocal, in which the “very low” and “low risk” classes increased by 0.45 and 5.88%, respectively (7.7 and 102.3 ha); and the “high risk” and “very high” classes decreased by 5.03 and 1.25%, respectively (87.4 and 21.8 ha). In general, it is observed that the restoration contributed to the increase of forest fragments, it was intelligible that in just five years it was possible to find a landscape with improvements in the structuring processes of the community, less risk, and an increase in area and connections.


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