Understanding the action of fire in brazilian ecosystems


  • Antonio Henrique Cordeiro Ramalho Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Instituto de Biodiversidade e Florestas, Santarém/PA. Brasil. CEP: 68.035-110.
  • Nilton Cesar Fiedler Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/UFES, Vitória/ES. Brasil. CEP: 29.075-910.
  • Henrique Machado Dias Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/UFES, Vitória/ES. Brasil. CEP: 29.075-910.
  • Telma Machado de Oliveira Peluzio Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/UFES, Vitória/ES. Brasil. CEP: 29.075-910.
  • Alexandre Rosa dos Santos Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/UFES, Vitória/ES. Brasil. CEP: 29.075-910.
  • Fernanda Moura Fonseca Lucas Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo/UFES, Vitória/ES. Brasil. CEP: 29.075-910.




Fire regime, forest fires, fire dependent ecosystems, fire-sensitive ecosystems, thick, Atlantic Forest


Forest fires have adverse effects on the planet, such as forest fragmentation, loss of biodiversity, air pollution and threat to human life and health. However, the Ecology of Fire attests that fire is also an ecological event, dynamic and indispensable for the survival of certain ecosystems. Due to this ambiguity, this review aimed to synthesize technical, literary and scientific information that help in understanding the relationships between ecosystems and forest fires. Thus, issues directly related to fire ecology were addressed, such as the dynamics of fire regimes, fire behavior, the relationship between forest fires
and carbon emissions in Brazil. Based on the information compiled, it can be seen that fire is essential for the survival of many Brazilian phytophysiognomies that exist mainly in the Cerrado, Pantanal and Pampa. A series of adaptations of plant species present in environments influenced by fire were presented. The role of variables in fire behavior and how fires are related to climate change were also
investigated. It is estimated that burns not associated with deforestation totaled 3.16 GtCO2 of immediate emissions between 1990 and 2020, being one of the
main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Given this context, this review emphasizes the importance of developing policies for short and longterm
effects in order to popularize the conservation and sustainable use of fire in ecosystems prone to fire.


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