Characterization of the Soil Seed Bank in Open Ombrophylous Forest in the Western Amazon


  • Marta Silvana Volpato Sccoti Universidade Federal de Rondônia
  • Jisele Feliciano Monteiro Universidade Federal de Rondônia



Natural regeneration , recovery of degraded areas, Forest fragments


Soil seed bank is an important natural regeneration mechanism for colonization of gaps in natural forests, as well as an alternative in degraded area recuperation programs. This study aimed to characterize the soil seed bank in an Open Ombrophylous Forest and was carried out in forest area preserved in the Municipal Park of Pimenta Bueno, Rondônia. A total of 35 soil samples were collected randomly using an iron template measuring 25 x 25 x 5 cm. The collected material was monitored for six months in a shade house. After germination, the plants were quantified, identified and classified
according to origin, lifestyle and ecological group. It was observed the emergence of 834 seedlings (381 seedlings.m-²) belonging to 67 species. There was a predominance of native, herbaceous and
pioneer species. The highest seed density was observed for natural succession facilitating species (Solanum mauritianum, Cecropia sp., and a morphospecie with characterists of shrub belonging to the Melastomatacea family). The soil seed bank proved to be an efficient mechanism for the natural regeneration of the forest, and can be used as a nucleator technique in degraded area programs.

Author Biography

Jisele Feliciano Monteiro, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

Engenheira Florestal


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