What does the integrated fire management says about fire management in Cerrado?
Protected Areas, Cerrado, Integrated Fire Management, Fire managementAbstract
The Cerrado is a phytogeographic domain in which its open ecosystems – grasslands and savannas – co-evolved with fire and are thus, adapted to its passage. The present study presents an overview of fire management in protected areas (PAs) located in the Cerrado, based on the analysis of fire management plans. We identified that most of the PAs in the Cerrado (75.6%) have some recent fire management planning instrument (2018, 2019 and/or 2020), evidencing the fact that fire is a central issue in the management of protected areas in Cerrado. However, we noticed that the integral protection units receive greater attention and institutional support than the sustainable use units in terms of hiring firefighters and developing fire management instruments. Still, most 90% of PAs that have some fire management instrument mention the use of fire for landscape management purposes, with the main objective being the reduction of large fires. We conclude that the federal PAs of the Cerrado are in the process of changing fire management paradigms. However, it is still necessary to advance in policies that include the improvement of fire management in PAs in sustainable use, regardless of the category or group to which it belongs.
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