Entomofauna associated with transgenic cotton cultivation in southern cone of Rondônia


  • Lucas Henrique Machado Cardoso Instituto Federal de Rondônia/IFRO, Campus Colorado do Oeste. BR 435, km 63 (antiga RO 399, KM 05), Zona Rural, Caixa Postal 51, Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia/RO. Brasil. Cep: 76.993-0000.
  • Aline Fonseca do Nascimento Instituto Federal de Rondônia/IFRO, Campus Colorado do Oeste. BR 435, km 63 (antiga RO 399, KM 05), Zona Rural, Caixa Postal 51, Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia/RO. Brasil. Cep: 76.993-0000.
  • Herica Martinho Silveira Instituto Federal de Rondônia/IFRO, Campus Colorado do Oeste. BR 435, km 63 (antiga RO 399, KM 05), Zona Rural, Caixa Postal 51, Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia/RO. Brasil. Cep: 76.993-0000.
  • Eduardo Oliveira Instituto Federal de Rondônia/IFRO, Campus Colorado do Oeste. BR 435, km 63 (antiga RO 399, KM 05), Zona Rural, Caixa Postal 51, Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia/RO. Brasil. Cep: 76.993-0000.
  • Leidiane Budach Silva Franco Instituto Federal de Rondônia/IFRO, Campus Colorado do Oeste. BR 435, km 63 (antiga RO 399, KM 05), Zona Rural, Caixa Postal 51, Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia/RO. Brasil. Cep: 76.993-0000.




Genetically Modified Organism , Insecta, Gossypium, natural enemies, pests


The state of Rondônia was included in exclusion zones for the planting of genetically modified cotton. These areas were established in 2005 by the National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio) with the objective of preserving the variability of non-cultivated cotton plants (native and naturalized) from possible adverse effects resulting from gene flow with genetically modified cotton. However, the insects endemic to the region, pests, and natural enemies associated with genetically modified cotton were not surveyed. Such information is fundamental for the update of Integrated Pest Management programs. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the entomofauna associated with the cultivation of genetically modified cotton in the Southern Cone region of Rondônia, focusing on the areas planted in the city of Vilhena, thereby assisting in the development of Integrated Pest Management in the region. It was possible to observe that most of the insects found in the samples are natural enemies of agricultural pests or even recyclers of Organic Matter (OM). Earwigs (Labiduridae), flies (Muscidae), bees (Apidae), beetles (Carabidae), flesh flies (Sarcophagidae) and ants (Formicidae) were the most representative insects found. It was observed that most of the insects found are beneficial to the soil and crop, being important to seek selective pest control methods to preserve this entomofauna found.



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