Analysis of floristic diversity as a subsidy to the management of the native field in the APA of Ibirapuitã


  • Adriana Carla Dias Trevisan Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul/UERGS, Brasil.
  • Lucas Guilherme Pérez Elguy Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul/UERGS, Brasil.
  • Raul Candido da Trindade Paixao Coelho Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade/ICMBio, Brasil.



restauration, conservation, agroecosystem, sustainable livestock


The Pampa biome has a rich biodiversity in a mosaic of landscapes with predominantly grassland environments. Current land management, the lack of planning in the use of native pastures and the advance of sojiculture have put pressure on species diversity and the conservation of the biome. In this sense, the knowledge of the current diversity is an important step to delimit conservative management strategies of the native grassland. The objective of this study was to characterise the composition and structure of the vegetation of two areas of native grassland, one with grazing and one without, in a livestock farming  within the Ibirapuitã Environmental Protection Area. Sampling was carried out in linear transects at two times of the year. Diversity, equitability and similarity indices were evaluated. Summer recorded 122 individuals in 11 families in the environment without grazing and 631 with 7 families in the area with grazing. In winter, there were 189 individuals from 9 families without grazing and 685 individuals from 11 families with grazing. The common species found in both environments were: Desmodium incanum, Andropogon lateralis and Cuphea carthagenensis. According to the Simpson index, the floristic community with the highest dominance was the one with summer grazing, while the one without winter grazing was the one with the highest diversity by Shannon-Weaver. The equitability index showed that in summer the area without grazing has the highest distribution of individuals. From the results, it is important to advance in other studies in the evaluation of the correlation between management practices, their floristic expression and their respective functional groups existing in the native field. 


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