Analysis of spatial-temporal distribution of sea turtles in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro




population ecology, geospatial technologies, environmental monitoring


The Arraial do Cabo region, state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, shelter a great marine biodiversity, in addition to providing an important feeding and sheltering area for sea turtle species in the southeast region of Brazil. Thus, the present paper aims to analyze records on the presence and spatial distribution of species of sea turtles in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro. Such records were made by means of a vessel following transects lines designed for the oceanic portion and for the protected portion of the cape, over eight campaigns, between 2019 and 2021. The sea turtles observed along these transects were identified, photographed and recorded its spatial position. Abiotic data on seawater surface temperature, wind speed and direction were also recorded. For the analysis of the spatial distribution of sea turtles, analyzes of abiotic parameters were carried out and density maps were elaborated using a kernel function. As a result, four species were identified: Lepidochelys olivacea, Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas and Dermochelys coriacea, with the latter two being the most abundant. Both species showed a pattern of spatial aggregation in the oceanic and protected portions of the cape. However, the pattern between the species was temporally distinct: the presence of the species C. mydas was recorded throughout the entire study period, while D. coriacea was recorded only in November 2019. Ecological characteristics of each of the species, in addition to the distribution of patches of gelatinous plankton, can explain these patterns of dispersion and density. This information is relevant for the development of conservation actions.


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