The 2019 drought: fish rescue and relocation operations conducted in the Ipanema National Forest, Iperó, São Paulo, Brazil




Drought , ichthyofauna , dam , extreme events


The impacts of dry periods on the ichthyofauna remain largely unexplored, given the variability in the extent, intensity, and duration of this phenomenon. While studies typically commence with the observation of significant reductions in precipitation levels, solely analyzing rainfall indices may provide incomplete insights into the true severity of drought, especially when considering the influence of interventions in watercourses such as dams. Therefore, the present study documents the fish rescue downstream of a dam in a neotropical river, situated in the Ipanema National Forest, during the dry season of 2019 and assesses its consequences for fish species. The drought during this period reached its peak intensity between August and September of that year, with the rescue operation occurring in November. The study also incorporated rainfall data spanning from 2009 to 2019 to establish comprehensive comparative parameters. A total of 228 individuals from 17 species were rescued, all of which are native to the area, with four species identified as migratory. In conclusion, there is a need for more studies related to the indirect and sub-lethal effects of drought and highwater temperatures on fish for greater understanding, improvement of rescues, and management of individuals when exposed to such extreme conditions, since extreme events are increasingly common.


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