Búfalos ferais Bubalus bubalis em áreas protegidas: um estudo de caso na Reserva Biológica do Guaporé, RO


  • Eduardo Lage Bisaggio Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis/IBAMA
  • Sandro Leonardo Alves Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade/ICMBio
  • Celso Costa Santos Júnior Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade/ICMBio, Reserva Biológica do Guaporé
  • Cézar Henrique Barra Rocha Programa de Pós Graduação em Ecologia, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora/UFJF, Brasil,




protected area, Bubalus bubalis, feral buffalo, invasive species, REBIO Guaporé


Feral buffalo populations (Bubalus bubalis) are known for causing significant environmental
impacts in several regions of the world, including Brazil. One of these populations is located in the
Guaporé Biological Reserve (REBIO Guaporé), state of Rondônia, southwestern Brazilian Amazonia.
The arrival of buffaloes in this region occurred in the 1950s, when 66 animals were brought to a farm next
to the Reserve. After the farm was abandoned, the buffalo population became uncontrolled, increased
in number (currently estimated in ca. 4,000 animals), and caused significant environment impacts inthe region of the Reserve. Few measures have been taken and the buffalo population is poorly known.
Hence, the present study aimed at mapping the area of occurrence of these animals in REBIO Guaporé
and at discussing the environmental impacts caused by them on the Reserve. Three flights over the
area were made to map the occurrence of buffaloes. The data obtained through GPS were transferred
to GIS programs, in which a total occupied area of 49.300 ha (ca. 8% of the reserve) was estimated.
This occurrence area is predominantly composed of natural grasslands (62.5%), 25.1% of forests and
ecotones, and 12.4% of buritizais. Of this total area 18,706 ha are densely occupied by buffaloes. The
presence of perennial watercourses and large forests, as well as the intrinsic characteristics of buffaloes,
contribute to the delimitation of the population to a single area. There is evidence of environmental
alterations in the occupied area. The buffaloes represent the main threat to natural ecosystems of REBIO
Guaporé and have high potential to disperse to adjacent grasslands.

Author Biography

Sandro Leonardo Alves, Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade/ICMBio

Mestre em Zoologia (Conservação e Ecologia) Analista Ambiental - Reserva Biológica do Guaporé / ICMBio


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