Registro da ocorrência de Hypochaeris chillensis (Asteraceae) e uma análise do potencial invasivo da espécie na Chapada Diamantina, Bahia


  • Cristiane Freitas de Azevêdo Gonçalves Pesquisadora, Consultora autônoma, Chácara das Conquistas, Palmeiras, Bahia
  • Cezar Neubert Gonçalves Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina, ICMBio, Palmeiras, Bahia



Chapada Diamantina, Hypochaeris, Maxent, invasive species


This study identifies the presence of Hypochaeris chillensis in the Chapada Diamantina
region - Bahia state (Brazil), being the first record of this species in this state. Using the data of this collection
and information on the occurrence and distribution of H. chillensis in South America, a species distribution
model was built using the software Maxent. The model presented AUC = 0.965 and suitability = 0.221.
For Chapada Diamantina, including the homonymous National Park, suitability values ranged from 0.24
to 0.37. The results extend the distribution of the species in Brazil about 580 km north of previous records.
The environmental suitability found shows that H. chillensis has potential to act as an invasive species in the
region, although the area of the Chapada Diamantina National Park lies in a geographical position that does
not favor the dispersal of its anemochoric seeds and has litholic soils that donot favor its occurrence


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