Avaliação do risco de extinção do jacaré-açu Melanosuchus niger (Spix, 1825) no Brasil
Melanosuchus nigerAbstract
Melanosuchus niger occurs exclusively in the Amazon basin and has a wide distribution, most
of it in the Brazilian territory and also occurring in other six countries of South America. Its extent
of occurrence (EOO) in Brazil is around 4.265.277,2 km2
(see map). Field data indicate an area of
occupancy (AOO) larger than 20.000 km2
. The species occupy a wide variety of wetlands, including
large rivers and their associated lakes (oxbow lakes), várzea (white water) and igapo (black water)
flooded forests and seasonally flooded savannas. Although it can be affected by habitat loss and
uncontrolled hunt, we believe that population had not suffered a significant reduction, justify its
categorization as Least Concern (LC). There are exchanges with populations of neighbor coutries,
but there are no data that could justify a different evaluation based on these other populations and
their relations with the brazilian ones.
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