Monitoramento de borboletas: o papel de um indicador biológico na gestão de unidades de conservação
bioindicators, conservation effectiveness, diversity, protected areasAbstract
Monitoring programs constitute a suitable approach to evaluate habitat quality over time.
Nonetheless, the success of such programs rests on data quality and adequacy of management practices. Longterm monitoring should be used to generate robust data that can be used as baseline information for effective implementation of mitigating actions. Although monitoring initiatives have produced successful results in
temperate regions, their replication is Brazil is particularly challenging due to this country's high diversity and land extension. The expansion of activities that promote economic growth is a real threat to environmental protection. As a result, habitat Conservation units in Brazil are under pressure, thus compromising their effectiveness as protected areas that conserve natural habitats. In this paper, we explain why butterflies are a reliable group as biological indicators for environmental monitoring programs. Additionally, we discuss how butterflies may be used in the management of Conservation Units and environmental monitoring in
local scales, using the Program "Programa de Monitoramento in situ da Biodiversidade" as an example. We believe that butterflies can serve a flagship group for the maintenance of such programs in Brazil by providinga means of obtaining reliable data, and also being a link between conservation biologists and members of the society. This can be achieved through activities such as the direct contact with butterflies, and integration of laypeople in programs that involve collecting data for monitoring programs.
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