The Management of the Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa Linnaeus 1758) in Brazil: Scientific, Legal and Ethical Implications of Control Techniques of an Invasive Exotic Species.


  • Clarissa Alves da Rosa Instituto Alto Montana da Serra Fina, Brasil
  • Hugo Fernandes-Ferreira Universidade Estadual do Ceará/CE, Brasil
  • Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves Universidade Estadual da Paraíba/PB, Brasil



Biological invasions, fauna management, hunting, eradication


Biological invasions are considered one of the main causes of biodiversity loss and the feral hogs (Sus scrofa)
are considered one of the most problematic alien species. They are responsible for degradation of aquatic
and terrestrial habitats worldwide, causing enormous economic and environmental damage. Due to these
factors, the Brazilian government through the Normative Instruction (IN) of Ibama nº 03/2013 authorized
feral hog's control. Since then, regulated controllers have used techniques for hunting and trapping, which
have been criticized for efficiency and risks to animal welfare. We aimed to compile information and discuss
the technical, scientific, ethical and legal implications of each feral hog's control technique used in Brazil. We
seek to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each technique in relation to the Brazilian reality, as well as international study case that can be taken as examples. We concluded that control and eradication of feral hogs could only be achieved with the association of different techniques. Finally, we discuss the conservationist implications of feral hog's management in order to guide future efforts to control the species.


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Caça: subsídios para a gestão de unidades de conservação e manejo de espécies (v. 2)