Wildlife Used in Rural Communities in the Semi-Arid Paraiba


  • Sebastiana Lima Santos Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba/ UEPB, Avenida das Baraúnas, 351, Campus Universitário, Bodocongó, 58109-753, Campina Grande, PB, Brasil.
  • Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves Universidade Estadual da Paraíba/UEPB, Laboratório de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia, Campina Grande, 58429-500, Brasil.
  • Lívia Emanuelle Tavares Mendonça Universidade Estadual da Paraíba/UEPB, Laboratório de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia, Campina Grande, 58429-500, Brasil.




Hunting activities, conservation, wildlife


Hunting activities are practiced in the semi-arid region for purposes of feeding, breeding as pets and protection (control against animals considered harmful). The meat of wild animals is part of the diet of several communities in the region, being a practice rooted in the local culture. In view of this, this research aimed to document and characterize hunting activities, considering its social and cultural influences in rural areas of the municipality of Taperoá (Paraíba, Brazil). Semi-structured questionnaires and informal conversations containing questions regarding the hunting activity (which species are usually slaughtered) were used to obtain data. The game fauna wasrepresented by a total of 49 vertebrate species, and the group that stood out the most was birds (n = 29),
followed by mammals (n = 15) and reptiles (n = 5). For use as a food source, mammals and birds were the
most frequently mentioned groups. Reptiles are usually slaughtered for reasons of aversion and protection of
domestic animals and humans. There were 14 species of birds raised in cages as pets. The population of the
study area interacts with the local fauna, as it is reported in other studies for semi-arid region, with hunting
being one of the main threats to the wild fauna in the caatinga domain. There is a need for conservation
plans that take into account the socioeconomic and cultural aspects of the region in order to develop more
effective strategies.

Author Biography

Sebastiana Lima Santos, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba/ UEPB, Avenida das Baraúnas, 351, Campus Universitário, Bodocongó, 58109-753, Campina Grande, PB, Brasil.

Licenciada em Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), departamento de Biologia. Especialista em Etnobiologia, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), departamento de Biologia.


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Caça: subsídios para a gestão de unidades de conservação e manejo de espécies (v. 2)