Hunting Trade in the Raso da Catarina Ecological Station Region, Bahia, Brazil
Caatinga, wildlife trade, triangulation, protected areaAbstract
Hunting is one of the oldest known forms of wildlife exploitation of the fauna that is known and has been cited as one of the main reasons of threat to wildlife. This study recorded the hunting species and their importance for trade and analyzed the trade structure of hunting practiced in the Raso of Catarina Ecological Station (ESEC Raso da Catarina) in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We used the data triangulation
research method, based on semi-structured interviews with hunters, employees of the Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) of ESEC Raso da Catarina and police officers of the Specialized Policing Commission of the Caatinga (CIPE/Caatinga). As a quantitative index was calculated the Value of Use of the species to demonstrate their importance in trade. To understand the structure of hunting trade in the region, the Downward Hierarchical Classification (CHD) analysis was performed in Iramuteq software. The interviewees cited 10 species hunted for trade belonging to groups of mammals and birds. The highest VU were for the true armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) (VU = 0.63) and armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus) (VU = 0.58), whose trade values ranged from R$ 30 to R$ 80. The study showed that there is a poaching in the region, buyers are from Paulo Afonso, Jeremoabo, Santa Brigida and neighborhood and appreciation for the taste of meat is the greatest motivation. The sale occurs simply and locally, the meat is offered locally by the hunters in the region or ordered by middlemen and resold at fairs in the region. The study expands knowledge about the poaching in the Caatinga and recommends intensification of enforcement and partnerships with police agencies, as well as the implementation of source of income and environmental education programs and campaigns to raise awareness about the impacts of the consumption of wildilife meat.
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