Aquatic Herbaceous in Black Water Igapós Inside and Outside Conservation Units in the State of Amazonas
Aquatic macrophytes, floristic similarity, WetlandsAbstract
Aquatic herbaceous plants are indicative of the nutritional composition in Amazonian water bodies and their wetlands, because their richness and abundance reflect the physical and chemical characteristics of the basin where they are inserted. They have several ecological functions, such as providing shelter and food for aquatic and terrestrial organisms. In this study the richness and composition of aquatic herbaceous species and their distribution were analyzed in nine black water floodplains (igapoÌ) in Brazilian Amazonia, inside and outside protected areas (PAs). The results were obtained through inventories carried out between the years 2009 and 2017 in the Negro, JauÌ, AracaÌ, Cuiuni, Uatumã and Abacate rivers. We used 148 rectangular plots of 100 x 1 m at nine sampling points (ranging from 6 to 29 plots
per point). The floristic inventory sampled 174 species, distributed in 99 genera and 46 botanical families, predominantly Cyperaceae (43 ssp.), Poaceae (33 ssp.) and Marantaceae (10 ssp.). The areas showed low floristic similarity, and no species occurred in all sampled places. The species Montrichardia arborescens (L.) Schott (Araceae) and Scleria secans (L.) Urb (Cyperaceae) were the most frequent occurring in six of the nine sampled areas. Only 49.2% of the aquatic herbaceous species are present in the inventoried PAs showing that conservation strategies involving more areas of black water floodplains need to be considered for the protection of this important plant group.
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