Comparison of Litter Production and Phenology in Two Forest Macrohabitat in the Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Wetlands, nutrient cycling, phenophases, cordilheira, cambarazalAbstract
Studies about production litter production are considered of a great relevance for understanding ecosystems functions, but that information to Wetlands is still incipient. In this sense, the purpose of this study was to quantify the monthly and annual litter production, to observe its seasonal distribution and, through this, to evaluate the periodicity of the phenophases, over a year, in two forested macrohabitat ((Monodominante floodable forest of V. divergens CAM) and Tree Savanna (SAD)), located in the region of Pirizal (Pantanal, Mato Grasso). Data collection was done through 30 circular collectors with 62 cm of diameter, fixed in the soil. Samples were collected monthly and submitted to drying
and separated into fractions. To compare the monthly litter production and the two seasons of the year and to evaluate the yield between the sites, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. The total litter produced in CAM (0.18 t.ha-1.ano-1) was lower, compared to the results found in SAD (4.09 t.ha-1.ano-1). Besides that, temporal variation pattern, for the production and phenological analyzes evidenced responses related to the seasonal dynamics: greater deposition in the dry season period, and smaller in the rainy season; V. divergens and savanna species showed marked deciduousness, flowering and fruiting during the dry season. Thus, the results presented on the quantity and quality of the litter produced indicated a great species contribution in the nutrient cycling, it's being one of the allochthonous sources of nutrients for floodplains and water bodies in the Pantanal.
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