Fire management in Pantanal livestock: perceptions and opportunities for sustainable management in the biome
Fire prevention , fire use , traditional knowledge , integrated fire management (IFM)Abstract
The Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland, is characterized by the prevalence of extensive cattle ranching as its primary economic activity. The utilization of fire emerges as a pivotal tool in ranching management, employed for pasture renewal, parasite control, and vegetation clearance. However, during the period from 2019 to 2020, the biome witnessed a distressing surge in wildfires, inflicting considerable damage upon the ecosystem, and environmental services, and engendering socio-economic repercussions. In conjunction with drought, inadequate fire management practices within cattle ranching are identified as contributing factors to this disconcerting scenario. Given the preponderance of privately owned properties dedicated to livestock, discerning ranchers’ perceptions concerning the utilization and management of fire becomes imperative for formulating efficacious conservation strategies within the ecosystem. This study examined the subtleties of fire utilization and management practices among ranchers in 11 sub-regions of the Brazilian Pantanal. Conducted between December 2021 and March 2022, 70 individuals affiliated with livestock activities in the Pantanal region were interviewed through both in-person and telephonic means, adhering to a protocol of semi-structured questions. The findings illuminate that despite the historical utilisation of fire over centuries, most contemporary ranchers harbour a predominantly pessimistic viewpoint owing to recent losses. Disparities emerge between traditional and more recent entrants into ranching concerning strategies and opportune moments for fire deployment. Noteworthy criticisms are directed towards recent land-use alterations, particularly in response to environmental constraints, as these alterations are perceived to culminate in the accrual of organic matter, thereby serving as fuel for devastating conflagrations. Ranchers reveal a degree of perplexity regarding the legislation governing fire usage and exhibit significant variances in fire management practices across distinct Pantanal sub-regions. These results underscore the imperative for targeted interventions aimed at enhancing comprehension of existing regulations and fostering constructive dialogues with ranchers to cultivate a more realistic approach to fire management that harmonizes biodiversity conservation imperatives with the socio-cultural idiosyncrasies of the region.
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