A importância das unidades de conservação na manutenção da diversidade genética de araucária Araucaria angustifolia no Estado de Santa Catarina
allozyme, Araucaria angustifolia, in situ conservation, plant genetic resources, protected areasAbstract
Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze, known as araucária, is a native tree species from the
Atlantic rainforest, characteristic of the mixed ombrophilous forest typology. Araucária is an endangered
species with economic and ecologic importance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution
of protected areas (PAs) to the genetic conservation of araucária in Santa Catarina State. We sampled 31
araucária populations throughout its distribution in the state, being eight of them within PA and 23 of themin
private areas outside PA. It was verified that the evaluated PA retain a significant portion of all genetic diversity
of A. angustifolia in the region, especially in terms of expected heterozygozity (Ĥe
0.114 of 0.124) and total
allele number (28 of 34). The data highlights PA importance, not only as centers of plant genetic resources,
but also as research and experimentation places to the enhancement of species conservation strategies.
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