Policy and evaluation criteria

Submitted manuscripts will go through the following evaluation stages:

Step 1 - Desk Review (technical analysis)

At this stage, a first evaluation of the manuscript is carried out by the chief editor and/or assistant editor, based on the following aspects:

- anonymity of the authors;

- adaptation to the journal's focus, scope and objectives;

- compliance with guidelines for authors, editorial policy, ethics and research integrity;

- Writing of the manuscript in accordance with the technical norms and the cultural norms of the Portuguese language;

- compliance with the required model/template, with all the title, abstract and keywords in the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish);

- adequacy of references to the journal's norms;

- plagiarism check. In this first evaluation, the occurrence of plagiarism in the manuscript is verified, based on the use of specific software.

After the analysis, the manuscript can be accepted immediately or it will follow the editorial process, moving on to the next step: Double Blind Review (double blind evaluation).

Step 2 - Double Blind Review (Analysis of scientific merit)

BioBrasil journal adopts the double blind review system. Are observed:

- minimum number of two evaluators;

- the evaluator has up to 15 days to accept the invitation. If you do not respond, the invitation is repeated for another 7 days. After reiteration, the invitation is cancelled;

- if there is controversy, the article is submitted to another reviewer;

- recruitment of evaluators: via invitation (according to suggestions from the Editorial Board based on the Lattes Platform; and/or via enrollment/registration and subsequent validation by the Editorial Board).

General evaluation conditions for articles:

- research oriented to the purpose of the journal and its thematic areas;
- focus and/or environment and/or innovative methodology;
- up-to-dateness of the supporting literature on the theme defined for study;
- definition and appropriate application of methodology(s);
- critical analysis of the facts, opinions and procedures related to the approach(ies);
- discussion of the evidence found and its implications;
- validity of the study's premise and the arguments that support it;
- clear and coherent structure;
- grammar and spelling correction;
- alignment with current reference and citation standards;
- alignment with submission guidelines (including the structure and procedures for fully filling in metadata in the journal's system).

Possible decisions after the evaluation:

- accept the text in its current version without revisions;
- accept after minor revisions (new review process unnecessary);
- accept after further revisions (and after reassessment);
- reject, but with the incentive that it be resubmitted in another format;
- reject.